Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Thanks for the Comment!

First of all I must say thanks for the very first comment to my blog. This means that someone has actually looked at my blog and identified with what they saw. Way Cool! In regard to Sabik's comment I would like to say that at least I know I'm not alone with the whole Pilot vs. Height Phobia thing and must also admit that I'm a bit jealous because Sabik can actually get to the third rung of the ladder. I enjoy the view from a lofty perch but there has to be the feeling of absolute security or I'll freak. Last year the family and I went on our annual fall foliage drive and came across a fire tower that I attempted to climb. Four flights up, right at the tree line, My legs froze and I had to carefully make my way back down. My legs were so tensed up that they hurt for the next four days. Cristy will not let me live it down.

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