Monday, August 09, 2004

More Memories

My world has been very hectic lately. I was out of the office all day on Friday but as a result I was able to get my helicopter solo endorsement renewed...way cool. I got to fly into the Thayer airport Friday night. I haven't flown in there for several years. Thayer is were I took all my primary flight training and soloed back when I was 15 going on 16. It's funny how something as simple as flying into an old airport can bring back so many memories. Then something very ironic happened which really took me back. My mom picked me up at the airport but this time it was different because, I am now 32, and also because my son was with her. When I started flying I couldn't drive myself so mom would drive me to the airport and then pick me up after the lesson. My friends back then always said that I was doing some pretty cool stuff for a 15 year old but I didn't realize it because flying airplanes was ordinary for me. As I look back at it Mom and Dad must have had nerves of steel. I'll never forget when Dad and Me were looking at an airplane he had just bought when he tossed me the extra key and said here put this on your key chain. A couple of years later he traded one of the airplanes for a Corvette...He didn't let me have the extra key. I still haven't figured that out.

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