Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Shame on you Dr. Ishihara!

I go tomorrow for a flight physical. I have been getting flight physicals with the same doctor since I was 15 years old. My old Doctor retired. The new doctor gives the Ishihara test for color blindness. I am a marginal red-green deficient person and Ishihara plates are the worst possible test for me. This Sucks! I've not been sleeping well for the last month or so because I'm worried about all of this. Keep your fingers crossed for me. If I don't pass then night flying will not be allowable for me until I can somehow circumnavigate the FAA in this matter. I love flying a night. The stars are very brilliant and the cities can sometimes be seen for sixty miles or more especially on cold winter nights. PS. Dr. Ishihara may shame fall on you for inventing this dreadful test. You have singling out us poor deuternopes and making fun of us for years. Shame on you!Posted by Hello

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