Monday, November 29, 2004

Weekend Rundown

We had an excellent Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving is Cristy's Shopping Day, which means I get to stay home and be Mr. Mom for a day, which is always a day of discovery for Daddy.

Saturday we went to the Christmas Tree Farm to pick out a tree. We both wanted a "pretty" tree. Cristy wanted a tree that was pretty and/or aesthetically pleasing. I wanted one that was "pretty" close to the truck. She won.

I have had a small redneck relapse. First I made deer jerky from this years bagging. Yum! Then last night I shot a possum on the back porch that was eating what we put out for the cat. This is just one of the joys of living in the country. Cristy really hates possums since she picked up the fallen trash can and one growled at her from inside. I always laugh about that but she still doesn't see the humor in it.

The check ride is softly scheduled for the week of the 6th of December. Maybe It will work out as a good birthday present. That's right the 10th is my special day.... 33...Groan. God I'm getting old.

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