Tuesday, November 16, 2004

She would have Smiled

This weekend was the opening of deer season. Deer Season is a bigger holiday for our family than Thanksgiving or Christmas. Those of you who knew my grandmother wouldn't need to read any further to know why she would have been smiling. She loved all the hustle associated with deer season. This year was really no different that the other years. Any kind of food you can imagine was there. We played cards, told deer hunting stories and set out in the old house rubbing our miserably full bellies. I usually take the picture the she always requested one of us to take but didn't get to this year. She always had me take a picture of all the cars and trucks in her driveway. It always made her proud to see all the people that had showed up at her house for a good time and loads of good food. We have a ton of these pictures, all just about the same. The cars change style but the people are mostly the same. Deer season is important to all of us but it really doesn't have much to do with hunting deer. I think I love it just like Granny did.

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