Monday, November 29, 2004

Weekend Rundown

We had an excellent Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving is Cristy's Shopping Day, which means I get to stay home and be Mr. Mom for a day, which is always a day of discovery for Daddy.

Saturday we went to the Christmas Tree Farm to pick out a tree. We both wanted a "pretty" tree. Cristy wanted a tree that was pretty and/or aesthetically pleasing. I wanted one that was "pretty" close to the truck. She won.

I have had a small redneck relapse. First I made deer jerky from this years bagging. Yum! Then last night I shot a possum on the back porch that was eating what we put out for the cat. This is just one of the joys of living in the country. Cristy really hates possums since she picked up the fallen trash can and one growled at her from inside. I always laugh about that but she still doesn't see the humor in it.

The check ride is softly scheduled for the week of the 6th of December. Maybe It will work out as a good birthday present. That's right the 10th is my special day.... 33...Groan. God I'm getting old.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Bad Grrrr! My checkride got postponed again. I'm trying to think happy thoughts but it's really not working. Grrrr! Very Grrrrrr!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Check Ride Blues

No, I didn't Fail. I just haven't taken it yet. There was a minor problem with the scheduling. Now everything has been taken care of, and the ride is scheduled for Friday. I have been studying very diligently for the oral exam and actually I'm quite glad that I got a couple more days to study. So for now un-cross your fingers and then cross them again on Friday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

She would have Smiled

This weekend was the opening of deer season. Deer Season is a bigger holiday for our family than Thanksgiving or Christmas. Those of you who knew my grandmother wouldn't need to read any further to know why she would have been smiling. She loved all the hustle associated with deer season. This year was really no different that the other years. Any kind of food you can imagine was there. We played cards, told deer hunting stories and set out in the old house rubbing our miserably full bellies. I usually take the picture the she always requested one of us to take but didn't get to this year. She always had me take a picture of all the cars and trucks in her driveway. It always made her proud to see all the people that had showed up at her house for a good time and loads of good food. We have a ton of these pictures, all just about the same. The cars change style but the people are mostly the same. Deer season is important to all of us but it really doesn't have much to do with hunting deer. I think I love it just like Granny did.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

I finished my final three hours of training in the helicopter yesterday. I felt confident by the end of the day that I would do just fine on my check ride. I would have preferred to not do three hours in one day but the aircraft and instructor were available so I had to go for it. We did one maneuver right after another to include all the emergency procedures. I sorta goofed on a stuck pedal procedure but other than that I did pretty well. The instructor demonstrated the procedure with the pedals stuck and brought it in perfectly and then took off again with the pedals stuck. He looked over at me calmly while we are taking off sideways and going through ETL (what a goober) and said OK Aaron try it again. I aced it on the do over. Anyway, I'm taking my check ride on Monday so keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, November 05, 2004

I've been every where man...

That old song seems to be the story of my life lately. On Wednesday I went to Fort Worth to audit a new contractor. Things happened. The day trip turned into an overnighter. The words my wife spoke Wednesday morning rang through me head...
"you better take some clothes". Then I remembered my bold statement. "Naaah...We'll be back FOR SURE". After a brief visit to a couple of stores I had the essentials for an overnight stay. We went to downtown Ft. Worth to the Cattlemens's steak house. The cobble stone streets and old stores would have made some nice pictures but as usual I left my camera in the plane again. The next day we went to New Iberia, LA. We ate some killer crayfish and shrimp for lunch and proceeded home. 50 KNOT headwinds kicked our butts.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Trying something New

Hello picture quality is awful.
Trying something different

Monday, November 01, 2004

Rocky Falls

Rocky Falls is a place that you will never find unless you know where it is. It's one of my favorite places in the Jacks Fork River area. In the summer people come here and use the falls as a water slide. I've not tried it myself but it looks like a very easy way to mess up your back. Posted by Hello