Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm Stoked Dude!

That's right I'm Stoked. I'm going to pick up a helicopter in Connecticut next week and the course puts me right across the top edge of LaGuardia/Teterboro airspace. I've never flown the eastern corridor but I'm told it's a happening place. The trip should be really cool because fall foliage is starting in that area. This is pretty cool for a country boy like me. I'll be posting some picture of the trip when I get back. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds really neat! The foliage is definitely starting to kick in to high gear now. I live in New Hampshire & it's peak season. In Massachusetts, where I work, it's changing, but not quite peak. Eastern Connecticut (at least last weekend) has changing anywhere there was swamp/river/lake/water. Very pretty from up above. Enjoy!