Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Stoked one minute, Bummed the next.

Well I will have to wait until next week to pick up the helicopter in Connecticut. The attorneys, banks and title searching folks are involved and they work on their own schedule. I guess the fact that I am having to wait is fortunate for me because there is an ugly weather pattern that would be a problem. My friend started out in Louisiana last Thursday and will finally make it in today sometime all because of crappie flying weather. Sitting at small airports, waiting for the weather to clear is not an especially exciting way to spend time.


Katie said...

On the plus side, if you go next week or weekend, the colors in Western/Southern CT will be much better. Where I live in Southern NH is finally at 'peak season', but in sort of central MA where I work, it's just now changing & hitting peak. The further south, the less it's changed so far. Maybe by next week some of our wind gusts & rain will be gone, too.

Katie said...

On the plus side, if you go next week or weekend, the colors in Western/Southern CT will be much better. Where I live in Southern NH is finally at 'peak season', but in sort of central MA where I work, it's just now changing & hitting peak. The further south, the less it's changed so far. Maybe by next week some of our wind gusts & rain will be gone, too.

Aaron said...

I'm not going to hold my breath. I have a knack for missing these sorts of things. Two years ago I flew myself out to Burlington Vt. on business at the height of the season. The company I was looking at flew helicopter photo missions in the mountains and I was going on the first flight of the day. The pilot of the helicopter put himself in charge of hooking up the aircraft battery. He hooked it up backwards and blew the delicate circuits in the charging system. Leave it to a pilot. Long story short...I didn't get to go. I flew out that evening after dark so I didn't get to see any of the Maples.