Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Back in the Saddle Again

Thats Right!!! The ban has been lifted for Howdy. I took a check ride on Tuesday and was deemed worthy of flying helicopters again. Then when I thought that it really couldn't get any better, I was asked which helicopter we would be sending to Oshkosh for the EAA Flyin. When I responded I also said that I would of course be an excellent choice to fly the helicopter there and babysit it for the whole week of the Meca of Airshows. I got the gig. I pinched myself. I have always dreamed of flying into Oshkosh and now it looks like I will finally get to check another thing off of the list....but wait....just a couple of posts/months ago I was going to get to check Alaska off of the list.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'll cross my fingers for you!