Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Live from the Midwest!

I am still here. Because I am doing two jobs I really don't have time to even turn around. I have went from 4 helicopters in my old shop to running 8 lines of production in my new facility. I have also been selected to work with Bell Helicopter on a project to upgrade the model of helicopter we currently use. It looks like I will travel to Montreal between 18 and 20 times in the next year and a half. Working with a manufacturer is a huge opportunity that will look swell on my resume to boot. Overall I'm completely stoked about that.

The family is doing well. Baseball and T-Ball are occupying three nights a week now but is very worthwhile. Bub hit the winning RBI last game and Hannah is really doing well at T-Ball.

Thanks for the faithful few who check in periodically! I will try to do better in blogland soon.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Back in the Saddle Again

Thats Right!!! The ban has been lifted for Howdy. I took a check ride on Tuesday and was deemed worthy of flying helicopters again. Then when I thought that it really couldn't get any better, I was asked which helicopter we would be sending to Oshkosh for the EAA Flyin. When I responded I also said that I would of course be an excellent choice to fly the helicopter there and babysit it for the whole week of the Meca of Airshows. I got the gig. I pinched myself. I have always dreamed of flying into Oshkosh and now it looks like I will finally get to check another thing off of the list....but wait....just a couple of posts/months ago I was going to get to check Alaska off of the list.