Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Bad Hair Day

Not only was this a bad hair day but I've also had a bad hair month. Changes as work have left me responsible for our Conversion Hanger. This is a major challenge to say the least such that it has induced a bad hair month. I think, even if I were to employ a full time stylist that the bad hair days will continue.

On a much happier note the Family and I took a brief trip to Arkansas to visit some of Cristy's relatives. We were able to take some family shots. We had a very good time.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fingers Crossed!

That's right...my fingers are crossed so hard that they are starting to hurt. They tell me that I'm going to need a jacket because it's brisk where I'm going. I have a helicopter to look at in Alaska. I hope to cross off another Item on the "Do Before I Die List".

Monday, October 03, 2005

Old Farts!

The one on the left is named Joe. Joe taught me to fly. The one on the right is named DAD. Dad taught me everything else...at least the things I needed to know. They are about the smartest "Old Farts" that I know. Joe thaught me how to stay out of trouble in an airplane. Dad taught me how to stay out of trouble at life. I'm greatly indebted to both of them. They both wear their pants a little higher these days...and complain about the government too, but if you will take the time to listen you can still learn the most important lessons. Another Old Fart that I know stated it the best when he said..."It's what I learned, after I already knew it all, that helped the most".

On another note, I haven't posted in awhile because the computer nazis caught me. I had to "cool off" a little.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Acronyms are of the Devil!

Sunday I left SGF for DFW on an ERJ with a 1:10 min. ETA. At DFW I attended an AAMS conference concerning NVG's. The FAA and NTSB were there to help us. NVG's are an awesome thing but I found out were to only be an enhancement in VMC conditions and can be dangerous if VMC degrades to IMC if you know what I mean. Now comes the ultra cool part of the whole trip. We stepped into a meeting with Flight Safety International to talk about CRM training. At the conclusion I asked....do you have any full motion simulators. A few minutes later I'm sitting in the captains seat of a Class D Full Motion Simulator for the ERJ. Full EFIS Displays and all the goodies. I flew the thing without crashing. Way Way Way cool. I've found my new calling as a jet pilot. Overall it was a good trip. I went to the airport and climbed on board a ERJ and thought....I can fly this POS.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday, July 01, 2005


I've got a question...Is this the same little girl? She can be a monster...and she can be a lady.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


We recently went to a graduation ceremony and the pressures associated with said event put Josh to sleep. He was the only person left sitting as the gymnasium floor was packed with people congratulating the seniors. I just couldn't resist taking this picture.

Josh isn't the only one asleep. I've been away from Blogger long enough that they upgraded the services. No longer will I have to use Hello to upload my pictures. Pretty Cool!

Last but not least, the Computer Nazis I referred to in yesterday's post must be asleep as well because I am able to use there precious bandwidth as I wish. This has always been a game here at work. They limit our web use...I find a way around it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I bet you are wondering if I am still here.....Yes! I have simply been too busy to post.
Lets talk first about disappointments.

#1. The computer Nazis have made it so I can't post pictures any more. Do you not have anything better to do.

#2. This is the worstest thing...I can't fly helicopters any more. It seems one of the other mechanic/pilots took one of our helicopters and did a neat little trick with it. The pilot Nazis at my company then grounded all of the mechanic/pilots 'cause obviously we can't be trusted.

#3 I am the person in my company who decides if we are getting a good deal when we buy a helicopter. Unfortunately the next one is located in the Virgin Islands (Antigua). My assessment my take several days. My blackberry doesn't work down there either...Which is a good thing.

In summation:


#2. Thank you Mr. B you #$^#&#&#&...#$^#%^&#%^^%&%$^&...Very, very, very much!

#3 There may be hope for this dead end job after all!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Why didn't I get some talent too?

This is my brother Eric. He is building this cedar strip canoe. It is going to be gorgeous when he finishes. I sometimes blog about me, becoming a redneck. Well let me tell you, this guy is the real thing. If it can be hunted he hunts it. If it can be fished for he fishes for it. The other day my redneck brother called me before I left for work and asked me a question that has left me in SHOCK. He asked...Aaron....Would you like to go play golf on Sunday. GOLF!!!! He has joined the country club even. He has complete blown off Turkey Season and he even wants a cell phone. The Bible mentions that in the last days there will be uncertain times. I'm thinking we may want to look up for our redemption draweth nigh.
So....Sunday comes and we go play golf. The turd beats me by two strokes. I've been playing golf since high school. He's been playing about two weeks. GRRRRRRRR!Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Two Posts in Two Days...Miracles have not ceased!

This is one of pictures I took this weekend. As I said yesterday I was in a macro mood. I can't believe that I have actually posted for two consecutive days. Hello (picture posting thingy) actually worked, blogger done it's thing....Life is good. Maybe....Just Maybe, I'll start posting again. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm not Dead!

Yes I know, It has been ages since my last post. Why, Well, I've been a busy guy. It has been fun stuff but just too much of it. The future holds more and more of this fun stuff. My company is doing some crazy stuff and making me and many others like me go the extra mile. They are not asking for volunteers. As a result I've got to go spend a week in some poe dunk town in Texas doing stuff that really isn't much fun. Suffice to say, they are going to really love my expense report when I turn it in.

I have been getting to fly some. I accepted a new aircraft in Ft. Worth and brought it home. I've also been doing some small hops locally. I haven't flown an airplane since August so I've got to get an instrument proficiency check and all the other currency items up to date.

I actually took some pictures this weekend. I've really not had the time or "creative urge" to practice any photography. I was in a macro mood. I was going to post something today but I inadvertently deleted all the files on my CF card. Grrr! All is not lost as I saved them to my computer at home. Yes I blog at work. One of these days I'm going to do a post thanking AEL for the resources donated for the cause of "HOWDYS PLACE"

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bona Fide Redneck

If you have followed my blog for awhile you will remember that I have been wrestling with the idea of becoming a redneck. People have been remarking that I must be a redneck. As with anyone who is in a state of denial I get defensive about this perceived negative connotation. The evidence finally got so obvious last Saturday that I can no longer deny that I am at least leaning toward redneckism. That right...I bought a fishing license in Arkansas and Missouri....And have already used both of them.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Z cups!

When this building was going up we all theorized that it would be the home of a new mamograpy clinic. Man...we were wrong. One morning I was driving past and noticed that a heavy frost was on the top. The sun was coming up and melted the frost on half of the roof making this building appear like it had on a big bra. I live in a small town and buildings like this become a landmark so to speak. "Go to the big boobs and then take the next right".....

Friday, February 18, 2005

My Temporary Office Assistant

Hannah came to visit me at work the other day for about an hour. For that hour my office was a flurry of activity. For about an hour my office was a very popular place. My co-workers would come and tell me something I already knew to be the truth which was that my baby girl is beautiful. I always enjoy having the kids at the office from time to time. I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. Being a Dad is pretty cool.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13, 4 thru 8

Happy Valentines Day

Friday, February 04, 2005

Going to School in Style

I got to do a really cool thing today. Josh's class was learning about transportation this week. I was asked if I could bring a helicopter down for the kindergarten class to look at. I got that all arranged but I didn't tell Josh until Wednesday that I wasn't dropping him off to school in the normal fashion. He was the big man on campus today. I landed in the middle of the track and soccer field and he got out and met his class. I really was fun.Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

It's Over

Our meeting is over. It went exactly as planned. These people crack me up. I did fly to Louisiana yesterday. Louisiana is not a state that you often describe as beautiful. I was looking through the chin bubble at the Cyprus trees in the swamps and actually found it to be aesthetically pleasing. Then I thought about all the alligators that were probably swimming around those Cyprus trees. Then I thought about a Rolls Royce turbine engine flame out. Nothing makes you feel as vulnerable as knowing you could be another creature's after dinner treat with one simple hiccup of a complicated mechanical device. Sorry No Pictures. I haven't been in the picture taking mood lately. Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Blah blah Blah Quack Quack

Tomorrow, me and all the rest of the managers at my company gather for our quarterly leadership conference. One hour into this thing all the eloquent dissertations will be heard as blah blah quack quack because after it it pointed out were the pastries are, all the important things have already been said. Not unlike any other corporate meeting, we will all gather so that a select few may exalt our company president for his absolute brilliance. Others will get the opportunity to say "Dig Me" with an over-animated powerpoint presentation about nothing, while yet others just get another chance to use that fancy new buzz word they heard on television the other day. It won't be complete until Upper Management drags out the sunshine pump and gives us all a rosey outlook on things. So you ask, Where do I fit in...Well it's hard to say but you can bet I can be found not to far from the free donuts and coffee. Heck! Maybe I could join in a little and loose some of this extra twenty pounds I'm carrying around. I don't know if I can stand three days of this wonderfulness. I am supposed to get a reprieve on Thursday because I'm supposed to fly a helicopter to Louisiana for mods. I can only hope!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Counting Blessings.

Yesterday was one of those "what if" days. My wife called from the Doctors office and said "meet me at the office". I met up with my Wife and Son and they were sending him to the hospital for a blood test because his white count was in the 40's. Cristy and I are both fairly versed in medical things and our hearts just sank because a white count that high could be Leukemia. The next two hours were the most tense hours I have ever lived through. We finally got the phone call which showed a much lower white count but indicated that Josh most likely has a bad infection or virus that needs to be treated aggressively. I made a phone call to my mother to let her know the good news and when I ended the call, Hannah, my 3 year old, was singing the old hymn "Count your many Blessings". We have never heard her sing that song before but today we are doing just that. Counting Blessings.

Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant, because you adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethern that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while make you perfect, stablish, strenghten, settle you. 1 Peter 5:7-10

Thursday, January 06, 2005

This *$&&^% is for the Birds!

Here I sit in Pennsylvania. The weather is... vis 1/4 ceiling obscure. We can't take off. I made bold statements in a previous post saying that huge weather delays wouldn't be a problem. I've got to quit making bold statements. I think Pennsylvania must want me here or want to simply make my life miserable. We are too far from Philly to go into town and the little town we are in is pretty dull. GRRRRRRR!

Monday, January 03, 2005

Here Fishy Fishy

I went fishing on New Years Day. I caught this monster large mouth bass. I think this picture completely illustrates the magnitude of the situation. I had a great time.