Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Sharing my new office

I came back from a meeting the other day and someone had left me a note. Some squirrel wanting to winter in my office. It seems like someone is always picking on me. Around here you will know if you aren't liked because people quit picking on you. If you get a daily ration then you're in good shape.


Jamie said...

Just glancing at your site. Your skills and written expression certainly make you a bit more than "average." Nice photo of the hands too! Keep up the nice posts too. Jamie

Aaron said...

Thanks! Feel free to visit at any time. I'm glad to see that you appreciate the hands picture. My father always had some interesting sayings. One of them closely describes my abilty to take the occasional good picture.
"Even a blind sow finds and acorn sometimes"...Lately my creative urge has not been present but the other day something caught my eye about the lighting and I was able to capture some good images.

Katie said...

Ha! I wondered where all of the squirrels around here went... What a great prank!