Friday, December 17, 2004

I'm Back

I made the trip to Louisiana and Texas. I had to take a helicopter from New Iberia to Fort Worth. I was an excellent trip. On the way home from Texas I experienced virga for the second time in my life. NO!... you bunch of Sicko's... I said virga not Viagra. Viagra is for Bob Dole and others who for a very unfortunate disability. Virga, on the other hand, is a weather phenomena that occurs at altitude when it either snows or rains but dissipates before it reaches the ground. Witnessing virga is pretty rare because you have to be at altitude to see it, and conditions have to be just right for it to take place. The first time I saw virga it was in the form of snow. I descended out of it but I could still look up and see that it was snowing above me. This time it was raining below me but the sun was shining on the ground.

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