Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Hello (picture posting thingy) has not worked in some time. This is just a test.

Bond....James Bond

I'm scheduled for a trip to Pennsylvania next week. I feel a shiver just thinking about it as I remember my unfortunate three night adventure in Pennsylvania back in October. Fortunately we are going in the corporate aircraft, so huge delays due to a little crappie weather will be held to a minimum. I'm going there to engage in some Industrial Espionage under the guise of a vendor audit. Happens all the time. We are growing, and as such we want to outsourcing less so I go look around, ask a few questions and then come home and set up a new shop. It's great fun but I don't get to drive a Jag, fly a jet under a bridge, or even carry a gun.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Sharing my new office

I came back from a meeting the other day and someone had left me a note. Some squirrel wanting to winter in my office. It seems like someone is always picking on me. Around here you will know if you aren't liked because people quit picking on you. If you get a daily ration then you're in good shape.

Friday, December 17, 2004

I'm Back

I made the trip to Louisiana and Texas. I had to take a helicopter from New Iberia to Fort Worth. I was an excellent trip. On the way home from Texas I experienced virga for the second time in my life. NO!... you bunch of Sicko's... I said virga not Viagra. Viagra is for Bob Dole and others who need...you know...help for a very unfortunate disability. Virga, on the other hand, is a weather phenomena that occurs at altitude when it either snows or rains but dissipates before it reaches the ground. Witnessing virga is pretty rare because you have to be at altitude to see it, and conditions have to be just right for it to take place. The first time I saw virga it was in the form of snow. I descended out of it but I could still look up and see that it was snowing above me. This time it was raining below me but the sun was shining on the ground.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

An office with a view.

The feds just left. I've just went through a two day inspection of my repair station. I'm beat. Everything went well but It always drains me. I'm flying tomorrow and Thursday in Louisiana and Texas which promises to be a hoot. They are moving my office tomorrow while I'm gone. I'm worried that when I come back the guys will have moved my stuff into the John. I know they will play some sort of horrible trick on me...filling my desk with packing peanuts....40 layers of duct tape around my coffee cup...who knows. Well we will see.

Monday, December 13, 2004

They call me Daddy

Being a Dad is pretty cool. Posted by Hello

Friday, December 10, 2004

The Day Known as DARK FRIDAY

Over the Hill, Long in tooth, Too old to cut the mustard, Seasoned, Fartin' Dust, Wise, Blue Hair, Senior Citizen, AARP card Holder, Complains about the government, Wears pants too high, short timer, Drives slow with blinker on, OLD. Today is Dark Friday, the day I turn 33. It really doesn't bother me but I wish I was turning 22 instead. I know there is plenty of fun still ahead but I just don't like getting older. Being a kid was fun.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Now I R 1

I finally got to take the check ride, and I passed. Now if you will draw your attention to the third line of the ratings and limitations block you will see the words ROTORCRAFT - HELICOPTER. I've worked hard, studied hard and last night took the time to simply veg out in my chair. Posted by Hello