Monday, October 25, 2004

The trip from Hell!

This sexy machine has been my office for the last six days. Dual GPS, stereo Intercom, CD Player. I picked it up out of the seller's back yard. The bankers transferred the money without a flaw. If only they could have arranged the weather for me. I spent three days in Selinsgrove PA. waiting for the weather to clear enough to make it through the Appalachian mountains. Then I got caught in weather again in Kentucky. On the good side of things, I belive I have seen the absolute best fall foliage of my life. I flew back across Connecticut and New York and the colors were so brilliant that It almost appeared to be a painting that I was flying over. Sorry! I didn't get any pictures because I left my camera in the rental car and departed without it. Fortunately my boss got my camera out of the rental car and took it back to my office for me, but, no pictures. My flight plan was as follows, Old Lyme, CT. Danbury, CT. Selinsgrove, PA. Morgantown, WV. Georgetown, KY. Owensboro, KY. Cape Girardeau, MO and finally after much toil West Plains, MO. Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Here I sit.

That's right, I'm weathered in at Selinsgove PA. Tomorrow isn't looking good either. The trip so far has been beautiful. More later!.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Alley Spring

Alley Spring is another stop on our annual trip. They say the trick to taking good pictures is all in where you point the camera. Alley is one of those places where you can capture a good picture no matter where you point the camera. This is the mill house as seen from across the spring. Posted by Hello

Blue Spring

We took our fall drive Sunday afternoon. One of the stops is always Blue Spring. It's one of those places that I can't seem to capture and do it any justice. The one thing that has always stood out is the dark blue color of the water. The water is absolutely clear when you look down but as you look across, refraction takes over turning the water into this wonder dark blue. I took this shot of the leaves floating on the water because it was the only way to get a contrast. Posted by Hello

Friday, October 15, 2004

It's that time of year again!

Well it's that time of year again. Nope! I'm not talking about Halloween. It's time for the annual homecoming at my company. We are a company that exists primarily in rural Midwestern America. Our president pushes for a rural America family atmosphere so we have a big "shin-dig" that closely mirrors the fall harvest festivals that used to take place in our country schools. Tonight we have a costume party where people dress up, gets sloshed, and has a lot of fun. Tomorrow we have carnival booths in which we play games and hand out prizes. Everyone gets a helicopter ride since we are a helicopter EMS company. Tomorrow night is a formal banquet and awards ceremony. Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Something's Gotta Give!

Yet one more dismal day in Missouri. Yesterday was the first day the bright thing in the sky showed itself, but only for a short while. It is amazing what effect the lack of the sun shining has on a persons mood. It's almost like having five Mondays in a row. There has been many days just like this, that I count it a pleasure to get in an airplane and climb on top of the cloud layer. It's absolutely amazing that you can go from the scene above to needing sunglasses in about 5 minutes. Usually, when it's like this, I'll try to find something to inspect in another state but my imagination just isn't good enough to be able to justify goofing off under the guise of company business today. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Stoked one minute, Bummed the next.

Well I will have to wait until next week to pick up the helicopter in Connecticut. The attorneys, banks and title searching folks are involved and they work on their own schedule. I guess the fact that I am having to wait is fortunate for me because there is an ugly weather pattern that would be a problem. My friend started out in Louisiana last Thursday and will finally make it in today sometime all because of crappie flying weather. Sitting at small airports, waiting for the weather to clear is not an especially exciting way to spend time.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm Stoked Dude!

That's right I'm Stoked. I'm going to pick up a helicopter in Connecticut next week and the course puts me right across the top edge of LaGuardia/Teterboro airspace. I've never flown the eastern corridor but I'm told it's a happening place. The trip should be really cool because fall foliage is starting in that area. This is pretty cool for a country boy like me. I'll be posting some picture of the trip when I get back. Posted by Hello

Monday, October 04, 2004

Family Reunion...Hillbilly Style!

This is the way we have a family reunion. No meeting halls or pavilion's for us. We go to the edge of a field, build a big fire, set up lawn chairs and eat like pigs. The location of "this here" get together can only be found if you've been there once before. I didn't get a picture of the restroom facility this year but is a beautiful "two holler" that sets by the old barn. We tell stories, shoot guns, play games, make fun of each other and in general have a wonderful time. The only topic of discussion that is off limits is politics because this is a deeply divided crowed in that respect. Posted by Hello