Friday, February 04, 2005

Going to School in Style

I got to do a really cool thing today. Josh's class was learning about transportation this week. I was asked if I could bring a helicopter down for the kindergarten class to look at. I got that all arranged but I didn't tell Josh until Wednesday that I wasn't dropping him off to school in the normal fashion. He was the big man on campus today. I landed in the middle of the track and soccer field and he got out and met his class. I really was fun.Posted by Hello


Katie said...

I would think would put you as the winner of the coolest dad of the year award for that!
So there's no snow on the ground?

Aaron said...

Thanks for the nomination as "Coolest Dad". I didn't fib about the snow!!! Snow comes and goes quickly around here. It snows just enough to be a pain in the butt then it just gets wet and miserable.