Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I'm Still Here...Really!

My world had been soooo busy that I haven't even blogged lately. The wedding photography went very well in my opinion. Work is absolutely obnoxious. I have been playing golf lately. I'm glad I enjoy golf because I definitely don't do it because I'm so awesome at it. Don't worry Tiger I'm not going to challenge you any time soon. My boy Josh has a set of clubs that has been cut down to his size and he is getting pretty handy with them. It's so cute to watch the little guys. I think If I challenge him a little he will get pretty good but for right know I want it to be fun for him. He loves driving the cart and is completely intrigued with the ball washers. He shushes' the group if they are talking when he is on the tee box or when he is putting. I have also been doing some helicopter flying recently, which is cool but I haven't flown an airplane in a while. I know this is a pretty lame posting but I've had a pretty lame life lately.

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