Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I'm Still Here...Really!

My world had been soooo busy that I haven't even blogged lately. The wedding photography went very well in my opinion. Work is absolutely obnoxious. I have been playing golf lately. I'm glad I enjoy golf because I definitely don't do it because I'm so awesome at it. Don't worry Tiger I'm not going to challenge you any time soon. My boy Josh has a set of clubs that has been cut down to his size and he is getting pretty handy with them. It's so cute to watch the little guys. I think If I challenge him a little he will get pretty good but for right know I want it to be fun for him. He loves driving the cart and is completely intrigued with the ball washers. He shushes' the group if they are talking when he is on the tee box or when he is putting. I have also been doing some helicopter flying recently, which is cool but I haven't flown an airplane in a while. I know this is a pretty lame posting but I've had a pretty lame life lately.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Who's got cold feet? The Groom or the Photographer?

I may actually shoot some film this weekend. Since I bought my new camera I have not shot a single frame of real film since. My old Mamiya and Minolta looked real sad in their cases so I think I'll have pity on them. Actually I'm quite nervous because I'm shooting a wedding and I'm still not sure if I'm good enough with my new camera to get good results. Fortunately I'm going to shoot rehearsal tonight and check the results. If I'm not pleased then film it shall be. I just don't want to take any chances with this kind of one shot only type of project. So the question is does the Groom have cold feet? I don't know. Does the Photographer have cold feet? YES! Posted by Hello

Monday, September 20, 2004

EEEK's that's cold.  Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Everyone has an Ivan story...Here's Mine

The whole Gulf Coast is a flurry of activity because, Ivan the hurricane is coming ashore. Tuesday evening I got one of those phone calls from my Boss saying "We have a window of opportunity". Our company had just bought a helicopter in the Gulf Coast area and it needed to be recovered, and Oh! by the way a hurricane in going to hit, so make it snappy. I went home Tuesday evening, packed a bag, and tried to explain as best I could to my wife why I was going to the place that everyone was leaving because they feared for their life. It was a tough sell considering I wasn't completely sold on the project myself. As we flew over south Louisiana I could see cars on the interstates, bumper to bumper for at least sixty miles. Fortunately, Ivan took a turn in the middle of the night and we had no problem at all. I felt very sorry for the people in that area. They were evacuating there homes and leaving with what stuff they could get in there cars. Some of them had no place to go and were camping out in their cars in gas station parking lots. I must say, I felt very fortunate to be able to climb in my airplane and leave.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My Little Friend

Little is right, becasue this baby tree frog was about the size of a dime. He stood very still for a macro shot. When I was done he hopped one more time and then my cat pounced on him. Evidently my cat likes frog legs as much as I do. Posted by Hello


I passed the test, thus securing night abilities for another 3 years. We will not discuss how I passed...but I did. I studied hard. I thought that now I would finally get a good nights sleep but wouldn't you know it the absolute height of my seasonal allergies kicked in. Today I'll pat Dr. Ishihara kindly on the back and will now take out my aggressions on ragweed. Ragweed should not be allowed to exist as it is a dirty, awful, and useless plant which makes my life miserable from now until the first frost, which in southern Missouri is about the second week of October.