Friday, July 30, 2004

When Skies are Drippy Part II

Well flight service was correct when they said the weather would improve. I only ran into isolated rain showers. This shower was fairly intense. I even saw the proverbial cats and dogs inside this one. Posted by Hello

When Skies are Drippy

300 feet overcast, 1.5 miles.... Sorta puts a damper on my plans for this morning. Flight service says that maybe I'll fly later in the morning. Who Knows? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I don't know why I even captured this picture. Some things catch my eye and I am driven to taking a picture. It's not the best shot or most interesting but it was a picture of where I was yesterday and what I was doing and I guess that's what blogging is all about. I was also out working on my redneck skills again yesterday. We were looking for more ponds to visit in the near future. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

You Silly Goose!!!

This goose was sitting on some eggs down at the Mammoth Spring State Park the other day. She didn't get too nervous and it sort of surprised me. Come to find out from other people I have talked to she lays in the same place all the time and doesn't get bent out of shape unless you try to mess with the eggs. Geese of this size can take quite a bite out of you if they want to. Posted by Hello

Monday, July 26, 2004

My kids are true professionals. They are outstanding in their field. Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 22, 2004

What a Day!

I had the fortune today to fly to Hot Springs Arkansas. It is a beautiful little old town known for its hot springs. Go figure. There are a bunch of spas, bath houses, and the like there, but can you guess where I spent my day? In the airport Pilot lounge reading old magazines and telling war stories. My war stories are pretty dull considering I've never been in a war. We passed by some puffy clouds on the way home and if you would like to see what they looked like then look a couple of posts back. Ok! Ok! I'll try to take some more new pictures that might even be interesting.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I was going through my archives and decided to post this picture of the Flamingo in Vegas. I got several good shots on the strip and some were even better than this one but I like this one. I spent about a week out there attending a convention. Vegas is an interesting town but not really my cup of tea. This small town boy likes to visit places but after two or three days I am ready to slow back down. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

HOLY COW! Order has been restored. I got a call from the Feds saying that they are going to stop by for a frienly visit tomorrow. It usually isn't a good idea for the Chief Inspector's office to look like a tornado has hit when the Feds visit so I bit the bullet and cleaned up a little. Well I gotta go, It's getting late, cleaning up a mess like this takes awhile. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

No New Shots in lieu of Self-Discovery

That's correct. I've not posted any new shots in the last few days because I've not taken any pictures in the last few days. I have been in a self discovery phase. The results of the study show that I may be a closet case redneck. You see in the last few days I have been frog gigging (pronounced giggin)and have attended a rodeo.

In case you are wondering what frog gigging is I'll explain. You arm yourself with a utensil known as a gig which is a 4 tined fork at the end of a twelve foot pole. You wait until most people are asleep. You sneak onto there private property without permission to gain access to the property owner's cattle ponds. You shine bright light around the pond until you blind a bullfrog sitting on or near the bank of the pond. Carefully you impale the frog with the gig. The legs of the frog are then cut from the frog. Why would anyone do this sort of thing? Because frog legs are somewhat of a redneck delicacy. Yes I ate them and they are excellent.

Please don't worry, I will remain "In the Closet" with this whole redneck thing. I'm not completely willing to convert to redneckism however through this self discovery process I have learned to appreciate some of the finer points of being a redneck and have a new found tolerance for rednecks in general.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Thursday, July 08, 2004

We went on a small photo trip last evening to take pictures of the kids and get an engagement shot for Meg and Bryan. We stopped by Cold Springs Access at the end of the evening where I was able to get this shot. The fog was just beginning to form over the water and the light was almost past prime but I still got some good shots there. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

There have been several funnel clouds spotted in Southern Missouri in recent days. I submit that a tornado has hit my office recently. I'm not a slob...really! I think I need professional office cleaning help at this point. If I cleaned up this mess I believe my amature office cleaning status would be in question. Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Ooooh.....Ahhhhh.....Ooooooooh.......Ahhhh.... Posted by Hello

I really don't have much to say about this pic. This is the helicopter I soloed in so I took a picture of it the other evening.  Posted by Hello