Thursday, April 12, 2007

It was Hannah's turn to go to school in style!

I loved doing this. On approach all the kindergarteners was waving as big as they could. Hannah was waving right back. A couple of days later I got a stack of thank you notes with pictures drawn on it.

Monday, April 02, 2007

You can take the Boy out of the Country but not the Country out of the boy!

I'm sitting at the airport waiting on my airplane. Yet another trip to Montreal. I froze my butt off last time. Not really! It's still back there.
My french is no good but I think "sortie" means "exit" since the door behind this side took me outside to where the temperature just simply "hurt".
They guys I am working with have been teaching me French. I'm not certian the words they are teaching me are good words. They have taught me how to order beer, call people names and I'm not sure what the other phrase is but people seem to look puzzled when I say it. It's been a blast going so many times but I'm about ready for the trips to come to an end.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Don't Worry...He would not get you today!

I took a picture of this guy back in October. He was not happy about my being there. My wife nearly got bit by his brother. We left quickly. Today, He would not be a threat. It's cold here. The area to the north of us have received 2 or more inches of ice. Power lines are down all over the place. Fortunately for us we didn't get any ice but it sure has turned cold.

In case you are wondering what has happened to me, I've just been too busy. Next week I am flying a helicopter from Johnson City, TN back home. Long helicopter trips, me and the weather always seem to have a problem communicating and cooperating. Hopefully God will smile on me this trip and I will get home quickly.

The week after next, I'm off to Quebec. The people I am going to see promises a snowmobile trip. That would rock! I've never been on a snowmobile.

If any of the old standby's are still checking this stale blog, please commit. I would like to hear from you.