Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fingers Crossed!

That's fingers are crossed so hard that they are starting to hurt. They tell me that I'm going to need a jacket because it's brisk where I'm going. I have a helicopter to look at in Alaska. I hope to cross off another Item on the "Do Before I Die List".

Monday, October 03, 2005

Old Farts!

The one on the left is named Joe. Joe taught me to fly. The one on the right is named DAD. Dad taught me everything least the things I needed to know. They are about the smartest "Old Farts" that I know. Joe thaught me how to stay out of trouble in an airplane. Dad taught me how to stay out of trouble at life. I'm greatly indebted to both of them. They both wear their pants a little higher these days...and complain about the government too, but if you will take the time to listen you can still learn the most important lessons. Another Old Fart that I know stated it the best when he said..."It's what I learned, after I already knew it all, that helped the most".

On another note, I haven't posted in awhile because the computer nazis caught me. I had to "cool off" a little.