Monday, April 25, 2005

Why didn't I get some talent too?

This is my brother Eric. He is building this cedar strip canoe. It is going to be gorgeous when he finishes. I sometimes blog about me, becoming a redneck. Well let me tell you, this guy is the real thing. If it can be hunted he hunts it. If it can be fished for he fishes for it. The other day my redneck brother called me before I left for work and asked me a question that has left me in SHOCK. He asked...Aaron....Would you like to go play golf on Sunday. GOLF!!!! He has joined the country club even. He has complete blown off Turkey Season and he even wants a cell phone. The Bible mentions that in the last days there will be uncertain times. I'm thinking we may want to look up for our redemption draweth nigh.
So....Sunday comes and we go play golf. The turd beats me by two strokes. I've been playing golf since high school. He's been playing about two weeks. GRRRRRRRR!Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Two Posts in Two Days...Miracles have not ceased!

This is one of pictures I took this weekend. As I said yesterday I was in a macro mood. I can't believe that I have actually posted for two consecutive days. Hello (picture posting thingy) actually worked, blogger done it's thing....Life is good. Maybe....Just Maybe, I'll start posting again. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm not Dead!

Yes I know, It has been ages since my last post. Why, Well, I've been a busy guy. It has been fun stuff but just too much of it. The future holds more and more of this fun stuff. My company is doing some crazy stuff and making me and many others like me go the extra mile. They are not asking for volunteers. As a result I've got to go spend a week in some poe dunk town in Texas doing stuff that really isn't much fun. Suffice to say, they are going to really love my expense report when I turn it in.

I have been getting to fly some. I accepted a new aircraft in Ft. Worth and brought it home. I've also been doing some small hops locally. I haven't flown an airplane since August so I've got to get an instrument proficiency check and all the other currency items up to date.

I actually took some pictures this weekend. I've really not had the time or "creative urge" to practice any photography. I was in a macro mood. I was going to post something today but I inadvertently deleted all the files on my CF card. Grrr! All is not lost as I saved them to my computer at home. Yes I blog at work. One of these days I'm going to do a post thanking AEL for the resources donated for the cause of "HOWDYS PLACE"