Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bona Fide Redneck

If you have followed my blog for awhile you will remember that I have been wrestling with the idea of becoming a redneck. People have been remarking that I must be a redneck. As with anyone who is in a state of denial I get defensive about this perceived negative connotation. The evidence finally got so obvious last Saturday that I can no longer deny that I am at least leaning toward redneckism. That right...I bought a fishing license in Arkansas and Missouri....And have already used both of them.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Z cups!

When this building was going up we all theorized that it would be the home of a new mamograpy clinic. Man...we were wrong. One morning I was driving past and noticed that a heavy frost was on the top. The sun was coming up and melted the frost on half of the roof making this building appear like it had on a big bra. I live in a small town and buildings like this become a landmark so to speak. "Go to the big boobs and then take the next right".....