Monday, June 21, 2004

Whats the quickest way to loose 60 feet in cruise? Let go and take a picture. Posted by Hello

Friday, June 18, 2004

I was on my way home from Ft. Smith the other day and took this shot. This was the pleasent looking side of the aircraft. The other side of the aircraft had a dense line of thunderstorms on it.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

How's this for luck? Actually my sister-in-law can spot four leaf clovers from a mile away. She says "they just stand out". I've seen her find four inside of ten minutes before. I think it's pretty cool.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

This is one of those pictures that you either love or hate. The lady that printed it just wasn't into art because she asked me "Is this really what you wanted". She thought that she had printed the wrong file. I told her yes and that although there are better looking pianos this one happens to be mine. This is the piano that I learned to play on. I look at this shot and think about all the hours I spent just playing and letting nothing else matter for a time.  Posted by Hello

I'm a sucker for flowers when I know I have a macro lens. The Fuji S-7000 has an awsome macro lens in my opinion.  Posted by Hello

Josh likes to perform. In the middle of our card game we look up and Josh is making Fart Noises under his arm. His Grandma taught him this much needed skill. I'm so proud because I knew he had musical talent. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

No technical difficulties just a lazy blogger. I've got a few pictures that I will post soon.