Monday, May 17, 2004

This is me. My usual work station is at a desk but on this day we were in a serious bind for a helicopter motor so I'm using my wrenches for a change. The guys felt this event needed to be recorded because most of them have never seen me do this sort of thing before. The sad part is not only did they say mean and hurtfull things but they also used my camera to dis me. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


This is my boy Josh. He's sitting in a Hughes 269 that I have been working, doing some hanger flying. He loves being around airplanes and helicopters. He wants to fix and fly just like his dad but we are encouringing him to be a doctor or lawer so he can afford to fly one day. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

This my baby girl Hannah. She's been helping me work in the dirt as you can see. She is also not very happy about getting her picture taken. Posted by Hello